PreCall Bonanza Bingo Game Cards – New Twist For An Old Game

The bonanza bingo game has been played for many, many years. The problem or shortcoming with the game is that bonanza requires additional bingo equipment that only large casinos and tribal halls could afford. Now a new bonanza card known as the PreCall Bonanza Game Card eliminates the equipment requirements and everyone, even the smallest bingo game and home parties can now play the new bonanza game! Here’s the difference.

The traditional bonanza game is played on special folded, sealed bingo cards thereby making the card’s numbers hidden to the player. The object of the game is to cover or blackout all 24 squares on your bingo card. The free space is free. No number needed for this square.

Prior to starting a bingo session the bingo game operator would call or draw 48 numbers and post them on a lighted bingo flashboard which is a dedicated display board for this one game. After the players are seated they break open their bonanza cards and daub the numbered squares displayed on the bonanza board. Only the bingo halls that could afford the extra lighted flashboard that is used exclusively for the bonanza game could play the game.

Throughout the bingo session players would purchase additional bonanza cards hoping to get a card only one or two numbers away from a coverall. The prize won for the first coverall varied by bingo location. The folks playing with their friends at home played just for the thrill of being a winner. The home players would keep a tally of the numbers called for future reference. This just would not work for the players in a bingo hall. The hall players expect the numbers to be clearly posted and in full view from anywhere within the hall.

When the game was ready to be played the bingo operator would ask if there were any bingos. If no player had a bingo then the game would continue with calling the 49th, 50th ball and so forth until a player yelled bingo! The players love the game.

In order to make this popular game available to more players at more locations a new card was designed by Bingo King and named the PreCall Bonanza Bingo Game Card. On the outside, PreCall cards look like the regular bonanza bingo cards, but the difference is on the inside. PreCall cards include predetermined shaded numbers on each card. All the shaded numbers, up to 22 on some cards, are pre-dabbed spaces. The shaded numbers replace the previously called balls in the traditional bonanza game. So a player with 22 shaded squares only needs only 2 numbers to win.

Now the bingo hall no longer needs special equipment and there is no need to call bonanza bingo numbers before the session starts. The new game is faster and requires many fewer ball calls so several bonanza games can be played during one session. The new PreCall Bonanza Bingo Game Cards come is assorted colors so the games stay unique based on card color.

The PreCall Bonanza Bingo Game Cards are a new welcome twist on an old popular game. Now bonanza bingo is available to everyone who loves to play bingo!

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