Devil May Cry V has been leaked. Capcoms hack ‘n’ slash franchise game Devil May Cry has been a popular game since our childhood. It first came on Ps2 which was a success leading it to become a franchise. The last Devil May Cry game was Devil May Cry 4 which was released on 2008 and a reboot of DMC was made on 2013.

Since then there has been no solid news about a new Devil May Cry V title except for the DMC4 SE and the DMC definitive edition which are the rebooted version of DMC4 SE and DMC game. Fans have been waiting for a long time to hear something from the Devil May Cry franchise director Hideaki Itsuno to announce a new game but there has been no news. He tweeted about his new game which is going smoothly which can be DMC 5 but there is no proof.

Recently a huge Devil May Cry V leak has surfaced which has potential details about the new Devil may cry game, its story, characters, development and more. The leak was posted by ResetEra user named Son of Sparda who said he will accept the permanent ban if this leak turns out to be fake.

Release date and production

The game is to be released in sometime in the fiscal year of 2019 which means between the year of 2018 and 2019.

Originally Devil May Cry V was intended to be announced at Sony PSX event on December 8 but after receiving feedback Sony will announce the new game at E3 2018.

There will be a demo version of the game which will be playable before the game’s release.

This will be the highest time a DMC game was in development which is around 5 years. The development of the game is progressing smoothly to avoid any mistakes.

This time Sony is paying for some of the funding which might make this title a PS4 exclusive for a short period of time. It can be a ps4 exclusive, console exclusive or a timed exclusive.

This time the DMC V title is said to be ‘ambitious’ with a broader appeal.

DMC V will contain the longest cutscene time of all the DMC game.

A trailer has been ready for a while now. The initial trailer is 1 minute 50 seconds long. The trailer is mostly focused on the story, characters, and gameplay. A city like setting is shown in the trailer much like Fortuna city in DMC4.

Development Team

Itsunos team which made previous DMC games is also making this new game.

Yuji Shimomura is returning as the cutscene director who worked on DMC3, 4 and Bayonetta cutscenes.

Voice actor for Dante is Reuben Langdon, for Nero is Johny Young Bosch and for Vergil is Dan Southworth.

Onyay Pheori is helping with the soundtrack.

No word on the actresses who played Trish and Lady if they will be returning or not is unknown.

Characters and Story

DMCV picks up the story right from where the DMC 4 left off.

More than one player is playable being Dante and Nero and the third character is unknown but it will be Vergil. Up to 3 playable characters have been suggested for now.

Trish has a prominent role in DMC5, but she is playable or not it is unknown.

Character switch during key story points in the game.

The ‘prince of darkness’ is featured in the game as the main antagonist of the story.

No word on whether Vergil will be playable or not.

DMC5 might be the end of the “son of Sparda” storyline.


Console is targeted for 60 frames per second like the previous DMC games.

There is no stamina bar.

There will be some areas where you will face more enemies then you are used to in DMC games.

Missions and ranking systems similar to previous DMC games.Bosses being ramped up dramatically in DMCV. One of the boss fights moves between multiple areas of the game.

Camera pulls back during big fights. The devs are really proud of the new dynamic camera system.

There is some online integration but no multiplayer PVP.

Dodge system is reworked and dodging, in general, is supposed to be a lot smoother than before.

Enemies will react a bit different depending on the style.

There is some dynamic environment destruction/transformation in play but not on the scale of Dmc thus far.

Level design and exploration in Devil May Cry is similar to Bayonetta with action set pieces thrown in there but without QTE or quick time event. QTE’s, in general, don’t exist in DMC games.

Animations are being improved to be less stiff.

While Devil May Cry V will not be an open world game, some inspirations have been taken from Dragon’s Dogma.

So guys take this information with a grain of salt because there is no original announcement from CAPCOM. But the announcement will be in E3 2018. So let’s just hope its true.

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