Video Game Induced Depersonalization

There is a strong correlation between feelings of anxiety, panic, depersonalization/derealization, and the constant use of video games. This is a deduction based upon thorough and extensive research and study.

The facts are there and continue to prove themselves out. Doctors now believe that electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) result in anxiety, depersonalization, derealization, depression, panic attacks, irritability and a long list of physically related illnesses.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMF’s) are found in fluorescent lighting known as Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL’s) and they have a strong effect on emotions. These same EMF’s cause adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline and cortisol, two anxiety and depersonalization related hormones which wreak havoc on every part of the central nervous system. Exposure to EMF’s also create a decrease in brain hormones such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, which are closely linked to anxiety, depersonalization and depression when lowered. Those with even slight anxiety have often experienced panic attacks after entering stores lit by fluorescent lighting.

Video gaming is a two-fold exposure, leading to feelings of anxiety, depersonalization and derealization. There is a strong visual cue when exposed to computers for extended periods of time. This visual trigger or cue is caused by the same reaction one may experience when under fluorescent lighting. A computer or TV screen generally refreshes at 60 hertz (in which the screen is redrawn or refreshed 60 times per second). This creates a flicker affect, which is a visual cue and may trigger adrenaline and cortisol, resulting in intensified feelings of anxiety and or depersonalization/derealization. Prolonged use of video gaming is enough to bring forth this reaction. The individual is exposed to both EMF’s along with a strong visual trigger due to refresh flicker. The physical feelings are intensified by the stress and pressure associated with constant competitive gaming.

Another side of the problem arises when the individual spends a great deal of time living virtually rather than breaking the habit by entering life through daily routine and schedule, nutrition and activity. This prolongs the depersonalization even further.

It is important to recognize all sides of this situation and remedy it by following a very simple yet specific path to recovery.

1- EMF (electromagnetic fields) are found in computers, fluorescent lighting, cellular phones, appliances and power lines. If one is in close contact with any of these field producing electronics, for an extended period of time, they need to reconsider their habits.

2- Video Game Addiction is a real problem that must be addressed, especially if one experiences feelings of anxiety, depersonalization, derealization and panic. The mind becomes stuck in the trap of this addiction and symptoms frustrate and irritate. Fear exacerbates symptoms and one must unlearn these behaviors.

3- Depersonalization is a strong symptom of anxiety and is aided by very specific cognitive behavior skills, nutrition and a change in habits. It requires a precise system of recovery which must be strictly adhered to for best results.

4- The use of medications often exacerbate symptoms of depersonalization and anxiety. One is dealing with habits and behavior rather than physical illness.

Knowledge truly is power. Understanding is the first step in recovery. The only requirement is one’s willingness to look at the triggers of depersonalization and the readiness to follow a specific process, leading to full and permanent recovery.

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