J2ME is a JAVA 2 Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME). It provides flexible environment for Mobile Application Development. It has proved to be the new evolving wave in the world of mobile technology. It is a substantial and serviceable mobile operating system platform and that is why; all the major enterprise IT solutions as well as various mobile applications development is based on J2ME environment.

The JAVA program has many facets. Thus, Java technologies could be regrouped into three editions, where each is aimed at a specific market segment:

J2EE – Aimed at heavy duty server systems
J2SE – Aimed at Standard desktop & workstation applications
Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME) – Aimed at small & memory constrained devices and standardize the use of Java technology in wireless devices.

When it comes to mobile application development, J2ME IDE is used to develop applications for Smartphones. It is highly accepted by various leading mobile phone companies like Nokia, Sony Ericsson, BlackBerry, Apple, Motorola and Samsung. The main feature of J2ME, which cause everyone to go crazy behind it, is its cross-platform compatibility. It also offers highly secure and scalable platform to create mobile apps. The main benefit of J2ME Mobile App development is that it offers smooth user interfaces, alleviates navigation throughout the app, and also improved networking abilities. So, it has many advanced features to benefit us.

J2ME based application could be used in various industries like electronic games and entertainment industry, transportation & eLearning industry, mobile entertainment industry, real estate & loans industry, mobile entertainment industry, mobile games & other content industry, courier and distribution industry.

J2ME has several benefits but few major J2ME Technology advantages are:

• Improved security
• Consistency of applications across platforms and devices, i.e. platform independence
• Superior user interfaces with graphics,
• The ability to function off-line out of wireless coverage
• Peer-to-peer networking and
• No licensing expenses needed for the SDK
• Anyone can create an application and market it
• It also provides the integrated network protocols.

Originally, J2ME was designed and developed by the professionals of consumer devices and embedded systems but now it is a great platform for Java-based mobile application as well because it enables the mobile application developers accessing an object-oriented programming language. Another factor of great popularity of J2ME is that it offers developers a flexible environment for running different applications in the modern hand-held devices and old, such as set-top boxes, TV, personal digital assistants (PDAs), cell phones, printers, etc.

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